
This website serves to present "MEDUSA - Medical EDUcation in Surgical Aneurysm clipping", a research project with the participation of 13 Upper Austrian institutions and companies, which is funded by the Strategic Economic and Research Programme "Innovative Upper Austria 2020" of the Province of Upper Austria.

On behalf of all project partners, the consortium leader RISC Software GmbH assumes the role of publisher, owner and operator of the website in accordance with § 25 of the Media Act.

Publisher, owner and operator

Responsible for this website:

RISC Software GmbH

Softwarepark 32a (Business Campus One Bauteil B)

4232 Hagenberg, Austria

Tel.: +43 7236 93028



Authorised representative Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Freieisen

Company register no.: 89831f

Commercial register court: LG Linz

UID No.: ATU39273709

Shareholder of RISC Software GmbH:

Johannes Kepler University Linz (80 %), Altenbergerstraße 69, A-4040 Linz

Object of the company: Tasks according to § 3 Universities Act 2002

Upper Austrian Research GmbH (20 %), Hafenstraße 47-51, A-4020 Linz

Object of the company: Investment management of companies whose business fields relate to research and development, as well as the further development of Upper Austria as a research, technology and business location.

The sole shareholder of Upper Austrian Research GmbH is:

Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Hafenstrasse 47-51, A-4020 Linz

Object of the company: Investment management

The sole shareholders each have sole voting rights. The ownership structure corresponds to the shareholding structure.

Medical EDUcation in Surgical Aneurysm clipping

In close cooperation with students from the bachelor’s degree program in Media Technology and Design at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, a MEDUSA project video was produced. We would like to thank them for the excellent cooperation and the great result.

Medical device regulation as an anchor point for high-quality product development

How can the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) provide helpful input for the development of a safe, effective, and high-quality neurosurgical simulator?

Classification of a simulator

The absence of patient contact does not really make things easier.